DriCloud informs that on December 5, 2018, the new ORGANIC LAW ON DATA PROTECTION 3/2018, WHICH DIRECTLY AFFECTS
HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, was published in the BOE (Spain). The question now is…
Do I need a Data Protection Officer for a clinic?
The answer depends on whether you work alone or have a clinic or medical centre. In the healthcare field, files containing sensitive data are used, so their treatment must be carried out with extreme care, as it is a sector that is especially regulated by the new Organic Law on Data Protection. All healthcare professionals must implement and adapt their consultations and clinics to the new regulations.
This new law regulates the obligation for health centres, DOCTORS, DENTISTS, PSYCHOLOGISTS, etc., to have a figure called DATA PROTECTION DELEGATE. Specifically, it has established the following in its art. 34:
“Data controllers and processors must appoint a data protection officer in the cases provided for in Article 37.1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and, in any case, when it concerns the following entities:
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- Health centers legally required to maintain patient medical records.
- Exceptions are health professionals who, despite being legally obliged to maintain patients’ medical records, carry out their activity on an individual basis.”
Therefore, all those who do not carry out their activity on an individual basis will be required to have a DATA PROTECTION OFFICER, under penalty of sanction by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
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G&B ABOGADOS, DriCloud partner, will help you in this process.
G&B Abogados will carry out all the necessary procedures so that your clinic or medical centre complies with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR. They will provide you with all the legally required documentation adapted to the new regulations, and will also explain how to proceed so that your clinic or office fully complies with the new regulations.
Special price for DriCloud customers:
€300/year – GDPR/LOPD implementation and maintenance.
€400 – Data protection officer.
€500 ALL INCLUSIVE: GDPR implementation (for professionals and clinics), maintenance, advice and data protection officer
Price for non-DriCloud customers, CONSULT
More information at: G&B Abogados
Tel: 91 5546770 – 615211341 –