Software medico para gestion clinica. Programa medico en la nube


Nueva versión DriCloud 14.02

The new version of DriCloud 14.02 is now available. The most powerful version to date, even faster and with many new features that will make your work easier. Read this article to find out all the details.

As on previous occasions, DriCloud has listened to its customers to further improve its platform: the most advanced in clinical management. Updates are free and are carried out by our technical team so that without effort or complications, you always work with the latest version. There are many new improvements this month of October 2021:

-Limit user access by IP. DriCloud is a software that works 100% in the Cloud and although it allows access from any device and from any place with total security, it is also the only system on the market that allows you to delimit from which IP each user can access. In addition, you can establish this limitation based on a schedule and for each of the users. Adjust it in the Systems-Users menu.

-Allow appointments only from certain insurance companies or private individuals. When you create a new appointment in the Agenda-Appts menu, you can now indicate that appointments can only be made with certain insurance companies or only with private patients.

– Pre-assigned taxes for each Medical Act. You can now pre-assign a tax to each “type of appointment”, “medical act”, “treatment”, “surgery”, “diagnostic test”, “treatment in odontogram”, so that when you make an invoice, DriCloud automatically offers you the % of the tax for each concept. Access the systems-accounting menu to pre-assign the % of taxes.

-Improved patient loading. We have improved the data import system (systems menu – import data) to make it a system that allows multiple imports. This way you can constantly import large lists of patients with their appointments, who for example, have been scheduled in a different program. This is very common when a doctor works in an external hospital that uses an appointment system other than DriCloud.

Descubre más artículos interesantes en nuestra Bloqueo de acceso a los usuarios por IP

-Sender in SMS. You can now indicate a mobile phone number as the sender of the SMS you send or, if you prefer, indicate a name, such as the name of your medical center.

-Google Calendar. The integration of DriCloud and Google Calendar has been adapted to comply with Google’s new and more restrictive policies. The integration with Google Calendar is now much more secure and private.

– Free video calls. We have developed a new video calling system for telemedicine that we can offer free of charge, with unlimited calls and minutes (we no longer depend on third parties). It complies with GDPR information security and privacy protocols. How does it work? Click here.

-Add holidays per clinic. This new feature allows you to close a full holiday for the clinic. It prevents opening shifts or making appointments on those days. Configuration menu-Vacations/Holidays.

-Control of user working hours. New system to record/control the arrival and departure time of clinic workers. It works automatically, recording the first log-in and the last log-out of the day of the workers. This new menu allows for searches and statistics for each worker. Configuration menu – Control of working hours.

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